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Impressive performance by the “Bright World of Metals”


Excellent registration figures for the “Bright World of Metals”: more than 2,360 exhibitors from all over the world will be showcasing their achievements at the leading international trade fairs for foundry and metallurgical technology GIFA, METEC, THERMPROCESS and NEWCAST from 25. to 29. June.
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GIFA, METEC, THERMPROCESS & NEWCAST 2019 with high-quality special events


The “Bright World of Metals” from 25. to 29. June 2019 will be featuring a unique range of international congresses, symposiums, forums and special shows.
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Burkhard Dahmen: The new president of METEC 2019


Born in Düsseldorf, Burkhard Dahmen was appointed at today’s executive board meeting of the trade fair quartet GIFA, METEC, THERMPROCESS and NEWCAST.
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Storage in the metal industry: World's leading trade fairs for metallurgy and foundry technology cooperate with ENERGY STORAGE EUROPE


The cooperation of the two Düsseldorf trade fairs is intended to raise awareness of the possibilities of energy storage in metal production and processing and thus contribute to increasing energy efficiency and competitiveness in these industrial segments.
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Announcement: METEC & 4th ESTAD 2019


From 24 to 28 June 2019, the VDEh Steel Institute will be organising the 4th ESTAD, Europe's leading conference for the steel industry, to accompany METEC, the world's leading trade fair for metallurgical technology.
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GIFA, METEC, THERMPROCESS and NEWCAST – “The Bright World of Metals” is taking place in Düsseldorf again from 25. to 29. June 2019


In two years’ time, the four successful technology trade fairs GIFA, METEC, THERMPROCESS and NEWCAST are being held in Düsseldorf again. From 25. to 29. June 2019, everything will be revolving around foundry technology, metallurgy, thermo process technology and castings in Halls 3 to 5 and 9 to 17 on the exhibition site.
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EMC 2017 – International and High-calibre


“Excellent from start to finish” praised one of the EMC 2017 exhibitors. This was received with a touch of pride by the members of the scientific and organisation committee when looking back at the European Metallurgical Conference, EMC 2017.
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Messe Düsseldorf reconstructs southern section


- Southern entrance area and Hall 1 to be rebuilt - The work will be completed in summer 2019 - New Southern entrance @ GIFA/METEC/THERMPROCESS/NEWCAST
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