Heat Treat Today (www.heattreattoday.com) is the leading North American heat treat media brand. We believe people are happier and make better decisions when they are well informed. Our editorial content is crafted for manufacturers with in-house heat treat especially in aerospace, automotive, medical, and energy, as well as general manufacturing. Commercial/contract heat treat plants also find our content helpful. We publish 8 print editions annually as well as 6 e-newsletters that deploy at varying frequencies, a website, and an online buyers guide (www.heattreatbuyersguide.com). We also produce Heat Treat Boot Camp (www.heattreatbootcamp.com) which is a face-to-face event … and we are the official publication of the Metal Treating Institute. We have also produced over 80 episodes of Heat Treat Radio (www.heattreattoday.com/radio). Our total database size is roughly 20,000 although each of our products goes to a subset of that 20,000. Please contact us if we can be helpful to you.